Selling old jewelry that you no longer need or want to keep can be a great way of getting some spare cash to be used for anything you desire. Whether those needs are grocery-related, bill-related, or some other expense that can’t wait until your next payday, selling unwanted jewelry at a pawn shop or Jewelry Store in New Jersey can help you get the cash you need quickly. Many people will find themselves in need of some extra spending cash now and then, and most will be unfortunate enough to not have a method of getting the money they need in the time that they need it in.
Taking your jewelry to a pawn shop or Jewelry Store in New Jersey is a simple process, that usually only takes a few minutes of your time. They all have a unique process of checking the authenticity of the jewelry you bring into their stores, but they all derive from the same type of testing. First, they will usually use a magnet to ensure that the item isn’t just gold or silver plated, making sure that it’s solid gold or silver. After that, they will do acid testing. This is the more in-depth test to ensure the authenticity of your jewelry because it actually tests whether the item is pure silver or gold. Some stores will do this test using a scratch on the surface of the item, or by rubbing it onto a porous surface and then testing that rubbing instead of the item. Either way is effective.
Once they have ensured that your item is authentic, and have weighed it and sized it, they will give you an appraisal on what they can safely buy the item from you for or loan you for the item if you choose to do a pawn loan. Many stores, like Lincroft Village Jewelers, try to be as thorough as they can when testing the items brought into their stores. This means they will not only test the metals, but also any gems that are present, such as diamonds, rubies, and other precious stones. The size of the item, its weight in metal, the number of gems and their sizes, and the type of gold or silver it is will all affect their final appraisal of the item.