Cigar Shop

For the Cigar Connoisseur

Smoking cigars is a tradition that goes back thousands of years to the Mayan culture and it is believed it started as early as the 10th century. Cigars have come a long way since their humble beginnings of tobacco being rolled up in plantain leaves. From Cuba to the...

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Where To Find The Best E-liquid

Making the switch from traditional cigarettes to an electronic version can be very overwhelming. When you first begin this transition you will need quite a bit of support. It is important that you find someone that you can count on to help you through the entire...

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Finding out if E-Cigarettes are for you

Are you a seasoned smoker and ready for a change? If so, e-cigarettes may be just the thing for you. Many people use E-cigarettes to help them quit smoking while other people simply enjoy the delightful flavors that come along with them. Whatever your motivation, you...

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