The local florist in Charleston WV does not grow the flowers that are arranged in the shop, the flower stock is purchased from a wholesale florist. It is the wholesale florist that provides high volumes of flowers to the retail trade; wholesale florists do not deal directly with individual members of the public. The wholesale florist does far more than just supply bulk blooms, of they are responsible for the cultivation of the flowers and are often tasked with finding rare blooms against a clients demand. In many cases there are tight deadlines involved in the supply chain due to the sensitive nature of cut flowers.
Wholesale florists get their stock in two ways; the either buy the flowers in bulk or they grow them. In the case of purchased flowers, the wholesale florist in Charleston, WV finds a number of growers that they work with and can trust. The florist places orders with the greenhouses; they also communicate with their customers to let the retailers what flowers are available at the time. Many wholesalers have their own greenhouses; this gives them more control as they are in a better position to anticipate demand.
The floral trade is extremely time sensitive. When one considers that cut flowers often leave major growing countries, are flown to the wholesaler, organized and shipped out to the retail florists, it is little wonder that time is of the essence. Cut flowers have a limited shelf life before they begin to deteriorate. As flowers are quite sensitive, they must be packed properly before they are sent to the retail customer. Many wholesale florists serve an expansive market so they have their own refrigerated delivery vehicles which allow for better control.
Although the basic task of the wholesale florist is to provide cut flowers in bulk to retail clients, they also make arrangements. In many cases, it is the wholesaler that creates the many generic arrangements which are usually sent to hospital patients and for use in high end hotel rooms. It is possible for wedding planners to work directly with the wholesale florist as the order for a large, elaborate wedding will take considerable planning and execution, furthermore, the planner will be able to source the flowers at a better price.
Young Floral Co. is a florist that can arrange and deliver floral arrangements, potted plants, fruit baskets, etc. to hospitals and funeral homes in the Charleston area. Visit Website Domain for more details.