Using a weighted blanket helps many people overcome difficulties falling or staying asleep. The effect of sleeping under this product is compared to an ongoing gentle hug. That small amount of pressure feels comforting. A person who has just quit drinking alcohol after a years-long daily habit might appreciate the best weighted blanket.
About the Products
These products contain tiny plastic pellets, similar to those in popular small stuffed animals. This allows the blanket to conform to the person’s body shape while adding a certain amount of pressure. The positive effects include calming an overactive nervous system. That’s a common issue when the brain is accustomed to being sedated with alcohol every night. The best weighted blanket can make a significant difference.
Quitting Alcohol and Sleep Problems
Men and women who taper off from daily alcohol use or quit cold turkey typically experience sleep problems. Most individuals don’t need supervised detoxing because they only drink for a limited number of hours each day and not at levels that cause acute withdrawal. Nevertheless, they are likely to experience a number of unpleasant withdrawal symptoms as the body adjusts to ongoing sobriety.
Eventual Improvements
People who drink alcohol regularly at night tend to believe it helps them sleep better. In fact, the illusion is one reason that some individuals become dependent on the substance. Unfortunately, although drinking can result in falling asleep faster, the effects are disruptive during later sleep phases. Ending the negative behavior eventually leads to improved sleep, but problems can continue for months. A weighted blanket from website url is an effective solution.