Filing a tax return can be extremely complicated. Many people attempt to file themselves. Others may rush through them, not fully understanding what they are doing. It is no surprise then that these people end up with mistakes on their tax returns. Hiring a professional for Tax Preparation in Renton can cut down on errors, maximizing a person’s tax return, and reducing the likelihood of an audit. For those in the Renton area who have rushed through a tax return in the past, here are the four most common tax filing mistakes.
Incorrect Or Left Out Social Security Number
It may seem simple to write out one’s social security number. Most people have written it thousands of times. However, rushing through taxes often results in errors or skipping areas where it was supposed to have been written down.
Filing Status Errors
Most people are not sure about their filing status. If a person has recently been married or is in the process of divorce, what to put down on a return can be challenging to guess. Any time guesswork is involved, the likelihood of making an error goes up.
Math Mistakes
Not everyone is excellent at math, but it is critical to be accurate when filing a tax return. Often, people will miss a number or calculate things wrong. Math is one of the first things that the IRS checks after receiving a return, so these numbers must add up.
Wrong Name
A surprisingly common mistake on tax returns is the misspelling of one’s name. Unfortunately, if the name’s don’t match, then the IRS may perform an inquiry, which is a hassle. Sometime’s a person’s social security card has their name misspelled. In this case, filing the tax return with the correct name will wind up conflicting with the information in the IRS database.
Hiring A Professional Matters
As tax season draws near, many people find their anxiety going up. The cost of making a mistake on a tax return can be as simple as correcting or as complicated as an audit. For those in search of professional Tax Preparation in Renton, they can be sure that their taxes are being double-checked for these common mistakes.