There is something so relaxing about sitting in the shade on a spring, summer or autumn day and just enjoying being outdoors in the fresh air. This is particularly true if you live in a beautiful part of the world such as Long Island where the spring and summer months provide almost perfect growing conditions for a wide variety of plants, flowers and decorative shrubs. Adding a residential awning on Long Island will actually expand your options for enjoying your yard and patio while also giving you additional options to create that lush outdoor space.
The Value of Shade
Installing a residential awning on Long Island provides both a practical application as well as adds to the value of your home. The practical benefits of the awning include the obvious addition of shade to your outdoor living space. However, this is not just shade for people; it can also be used to protect tropical plants, fruits and vegetables from the hottest parts of the day.
In addition many people now enjoy small container vegetable gardens. Vegetables like tomatoes, peppers and fruit bushes and plants need a good balance of sun and shade. Using a programmable automatic motorized residential awning allows Long Island residents to set up their awning to open and close to provide the perfect growing conditions.
Protect Your Outdoor Furniture
Direct sunlight is one of the most damaging elements of nature for outdoor patio furniture and accessories. By using a residential awning on Long Island you can cover you patio furniture with the push of a button on a remote control or with an easy to use hand cranking mechanism.
Patio furniture, especially ornate and designer styles, can be a significant investment. Keeping it looking beautiful and new for years is made much easier if it is shaded from the intense rays of the sun.
Outdoor Life
Having the ability to relax, play and enjoy life outside is really a true benefit to health and mental well-being. Residential awnings on Long Island allow you to take full advantage of the beautiful weather and create a tropical oasis that will surround you with comfort and the ability to just relax and enjoy.
We have a fully line of residential awnings for Long Island homes. To view our selection browse our website.