Wire Bonding Offers Solutions to Modern Integrated Circuit Issues

by | Sep 1, 2016 | Printed Circuit Boards

With electronics becoming smaller and more sophisticated, it sometimes creates design issues. For example, you could have the perfect integrated circuit design but there is just not enough room for one more component, without making a larger board. Thanks to wire bonding, issues like these and others can be solved. But what is this process and why it is so beneficial today? Let’s look and little closer to see.

What is a Wire Bond?

When you have the need to connect an IC (integrated circuit) to another circuit or a semiconductor, common methods may not be possible. For example, connections between chips may be very small and intricate. It may not be possible to solder or connect wires normally. This is why a special process (often used with gold wiring) is needed. Tiny wires can be bonded to make excellent electrical connections. In a method called ball wire bonding, a small ball is bonded to a special pad. Both stitch and tail bonds are used to complete the process.

To bond gold wiring, temperatures must be at 250 Fahrenheit (120 Celsius). It is very important for the pads to be completely clean and free of contaminants or else you will not be able to get a permanent bond.

In some cases, aluminium wire is also bonded. This is a more affordable process and utilizes friction welding. After placing the metals together, they are ultrasonically welded with a special transducer.


Wire bonding techniques are very beneficial for many electronics businesses today. Here are some of the reasons they are being used:


Designing electronic circuits can be very challenging and the process of bonding provides greater flexibility and choices. For example, it may be possible to keep the same board size and design and this can greatly facilitate making changes to existing products or creating new ones.


When you need to make repairs to existing circuits it can be very complicated and difficult. Thanks to processes like wire bonding, it may be possible to repair expensive circuitry and this can help to save a great deal on costs. Here are additional benefits:

Low temperatures – when you compare temperatures associated with other methods, bonding is the best choice. This helps to eliminate possible damage to sensitive electronic components.

Simplifying complex circuitry

Space saving – bonding can save a lot of space and when there is no additional space to spare, it may be the only viable solution.

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