Services of a Veterinary Hospital in Tempe AZ

by | Oct 10, 2012 | Animal hospital

Arizona has threats to your pets that other states may not have, rattle snakes. A veterinary hospital in Tempe will be ready for this, but they also have rattlesnake bite vaccine for dogs that are taken camping or hunting. The vaccine that is given to your dog creates immunity to the venom that begins to work immediately. Without the protection from the snake’s venom, many hundreds of dogs die every year from their bite.

This treatment is unique to the desert southwest and is not something that you expect in more northerly areas of the country. Other treatments and services that are expected from a veterinary hospital in Tempe are initial examinations, consultation, treatment for trauma and shock, lab diagnosis, radiology, anesthesia, surgery and post op care.

A veterinary hospital in Tempe will focus on preventative medicine for your pet and will keep all the animal’s shots up to date and effective. Of course there will always be emergency situations and the veterinary hospital in Tempe should be ready to triage your pet and get immediate treatment started.

There is Veterinary Hospital in Tempe that only focuses on the treatment of cats, and this may be an option if your cat is ultra sensitive to barking or even the odor of a dog.

A well positioned veterinary hospital in Tempe will be complete with numerous examination rooms and work stations to cater to minor injuries and ailments. A pharmacy that carries a complete inventory of medicines that your pet will need and a fully equipped surgical suite are necessities.

The common services that the veterinarian in a veterinary hospital in Tempe provides include diagnosis of your pet’s problem, vaccination against diseases such as rabies, heart worm and distemper, treat and dress wounds as well as set fractured bones and perform surgery. At times, it is necessary to euthanize an animal if the creature is in pain and beyond help.

As well as clinical work, the veterinary hospital in Tempe is your best source of information on feeding your pet, breeding him or her and any behavioral issues.

In a veterinary hospital in Tempe, the actual hands-on care will be performed by animal technicians rather than the veterinarian himself. The technician works together with the vet and does such things as run lab tests on the animals. The results of the blood tests, urine or fecal tests and heart rate measurements are then given to the doctor for him to use in his assessment of the animals’ condition.

Behavioral analysis is also a skill that a veterinary hospital in Tempe possesses. There are some animals that display abnormal or aggressive behaviors, and a well-trained vet can assess the issues and work with both the animal and the owner to overcome the anomaly.

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