Senior-Proofing Your Home for Geriatric Care

by | May 11, 2017 | Healthcare

When your loved one’s mind begins to falter, and they begin to forget important things like how to handle finances, how to drive, or what you look like, then you know that it’s beginning to get very dangerous for them to live alone, in a home that may signify them an injury or worse.

For some people, there is always the option of assisted living facilities – homes for the elderly and retired. But that option isn’t always the best. As per The Fiscal Times, investigations have shown that in a profit-oriented business industry, assisted-living facilities are depressingly dangerous for many elderly, with lowering standards of care and training, and even cases of abuse.

While these cases aren’t extremely prevalent, they are common enough to warrant a careful look at how America regulates its elderly care industry and, more directly, at whether or not families should consider assisted care.

There is always the option of choosing a facility that makes enough in profits to not have to worry about short handing and neglecting patients to make a buck. However, these facilities also come with the appropriate price tag, making it difficult for many families to even consider it as an option.

What’s left, then, is the obvious best choice: caring for an aging loved one from home. But you won’t always be around to care for your loved one; and more often than not, you won’t be standing behind them to ensure that they don’t injure themselves as their dementia progresses. That’s where it becomes important to senior-proof your home.

Senior-Proofing in 4 Simple Ways

Your home may be safe to you, but that doesn’t make it safe for an aging senior. While expensive, these home modifications will cost less than a good assisted living facility, and remove a number of dangers. Here are important steps:

 * Remove stairs and prepare entryways with wider doors.
 * Utilize electric water heaters and thermos to prevent burning.
 * Get everything within reach, instead of above shelves.
 * Staple the rug, to avoid tripping on it.

Consider Home Care Professionals

As the disease progresses and you can’t make time for your senior loved one, one important addition to your home health care arsenal would be a home care professional. With the services of a company like Capital City Nurses, you have less to worry about and you can enjoy more time with your elderly family member. You can also follow them on Twitter.

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