Orthodontics Today for Perfect Smiles Tomorrow

by | Dec 30, 2011 | Health And Fitness

Orthodontics — Braces — no matter the word you choose your child is certain to stage an immediate revolt against the idea. They are already painfully aware of the teasing those wearing braces are likely to encounter. Austin orthodontic providers are well versed in coaxing difficult teens into seeing the necessity behind orthodontic treatment. Nothing works quite as well, or as quickly, as appealing to the vanity of an up and coming teenager when it comes to their smiley face!

Children have long associated the wearing of orthodontics with a sure reaction of their peers of being called all sorts of unflattering names. However, today’s orthodontics offer a much wider range of equipment, some of which might even been invisible to others. Children do in fact tend to pick on those with the orthodontic wear. They tease them and call them unflattering names like brace face and metal mouth. In the past, the obvious, protruding stainless steel and wire devices defined what it meant to be placed in braces. Children do not tend to understand the necessity of having a closed bite that is correctly aligned. They do not understand that the teasing and misery will only worsen if their orthodontic problems are left untreated.

Today your Austin Orthodontics provider can offer a much more friendly orthodontic option for your child, the Invisalign procedure. This revolutionary orthodontic wear uses almost invisible trays to help realign teeth in the jaw bone. There is no visible evidence to others that the mouth is being orthodontically manipulated. The trays can be removed from the mouth to facilitate eating and hygiene needs of the teeth. This results in significantly higher levels of compliance with treatment and that insures much higher successful outcome ratios at completion. Overall, the Invisalign procedure does take slightly longer from start to finish than the more traditional braces. However, if your child is sensitive to the potential pressure from others talk with your Austin orthodontic professionals today and discuss this particular procedure as an alternative for their orthodontic needs.

Your child is your pride and joy, their smile is priceless. Don’t let their fear of being teased prevent you from making the decisions you need to make to give them the best possible future. With modern alternatives to the old stainless steel braces of yesterday your child can have that perfect smile without anyone even being aware they are wearing braces. Call an Austin orthodontic professional today and request they consider using Invisalign for correcting the misalignment of your child’s mouth. You will all be happier tomorrow!

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