Do You Need Dental Implants Wichita Kansas?

by | Oct 7, 2014 | Dentistry

Dental Implants Wichita Kansas, like any other dental procedure, has its pluses and minuses. Since this method for reconstruction is quite new compared to other dental procedures, advantages and disadvantages have all sorts of myths and various conjectures. Speaking with your local dentist may help you understand these. Let’s try to find out the pluses and minuses of dental implantation below.

The main advantages

Unlike installing traditional bridgework, dental implants do not require any manipulation of the adjacent teeth. Implants are placed clearly where the missing tooth is, fused with the jaw bone, and with the crown already on it. When using traditional techniques, implants will serve as a fantastic way of replacing masticatory function. They can restore dentition without damaging the surrounding tissue.

Another significant advantage of dental implantation – as opposed to a removable or non-removable prosthesis – is durability. Implanted artificial roots will last a lifetime. After 10 – 15 years, you may require a replacement crown fixed to the implant. For comparison, the average service life of bridges or nylon prosthesis is only 3 – 4 years. Another advantage of the implant, which sometimes patients do not think about is maintaining bone volume in the area of the missing tooth. The implant, being inside the jaw, fully replaces the natural tooth root and evenly distributes masticatory forces.

And, of course, there is the aesthetic side – a big plus in favor of the best Dental Implants Wichita Kansas. It is unlikely that anyone but a specialist will be able to distinguish the restored tooth from an implant. There are no visible fasteners and, such as, for example, a clasp or nylon prostheses between the gum. With implants you can feel confident 100 percent of the time and not be afraid that the prosthesis will become mobile.


Among the disadvantages are contraindications to surgery and high cost of the procedure, especially when there is a need for further manipulation. Regarding long postoperative period (3 to 6 months), there is a necessity for osseointegration. However, the manufacture of a bridge, adhesive, acrylic, nylon or partial denture requires not more than one month. For more information visit  today.

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