How a Child Support Attorney in Alpharetta, GA Can Help Resolve Disputes

by | Jan 15, 2024 | Lawyers and Law Firms

There’s nothing more contentious and emotionally charged than a child custody battle. Adding a support order to the mix becomes a matter with greater complexity. It’s essential to have a child support attorney in Alpharetta, GA assisting in the case. Having counsel will ensure a fair resolution and that the child’s best interest is upheld.

A lawyer is a legal advocate for their client, and when it involves a minor child, they must turn to the statutes and offer guidance. Resolving these matters promptly requires a deep understanding of family law and the state’s child support guidelines. The attorney’s job is to educate the client on their rights and obligations, as being empowered with knowledge helps individuals make informed decisions.

The negotiations are often heated when it comes to child support. The attorney will collaborate with the other party’s legal counsel to keep communication between opposing sides to a minimum. The goal is to reach an amicable agreement and avoid going before the judge.

If the parties can’t agree, the judge must intervene and decide what’s in the child’s best interest. A child support attorney in Alpharetta, GA will represent the client in court and ensure their side is heard. The legal professional will prepare compelling arguments and present evidence to show cause.

While no one wants to find themselves in such a situation, having the right lawyer can mean everything. For assistance with family law matters, including child support, The Millard Law Firm is ready to provide support. To schedule a free consultation, contact them today at

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