There are hundreds of laws that get broken on a daily basis. Some criminal offenses seem harmless, like driving without insurance or speeding. However, others carry very serious punishments like murder, rape, and armed robbery. Even mediocre offenses can still carry harsh sentences, like smoking marijuana or doing other drugs. Whatever the severity of a crime, people need to have lawyers represent them in court. Lawyers understand the law far better than their clients. They studied for years to know everything about the law and the court system.
Lawyers are beneficial for a number of reasons. They know the judges and attorneys personally and can negotiate punishments. They can reduce sentences of jail time as well as fines. However, sometimes, this may be subject to a guilty plea. Nevertheless, clients are quick to do anything to avoid going to jail. Community service and probation may be supplemented for jail time as well. People charged with felonies will have the risk of facing prison time while misdemeanors may lead people to jail.
People can consult with a Criminal Lawyer in Fullerton to discuss the circumstances of their crime as well as possible punishments. Lawyers are necessary in criminal cases. Even people who cannot afford an attorney will get a court-appointed lawyer to represent them. This may be offered free of charge depending on their financial situations. The Law Offices of Rondee J. Eagle are ready to offer legal counsel in the Long Beach and Fullerton areas. They will work aggressively and skillfully on their clients’ cases. They are honest and dedicated criminal lawyers.
A Criminal Lawyer in Fullerton follows the court system to represent their clients as innocent until proven guilty. Although people may have already admitted their guilt, the sentencing is open for negotiation. If people have committed the same offense multiple times as a habitual offender, lawyers will definitely need to negotiate with prosecuting attorneys and judges. Likewise, if more than one crime was committed, it is likely they can get the lesser one removed completely. It is important for people to avoid breaking the law in general because the offenses will remain on a permanent record that will harm the chances of getting jobs and other important life details in the future.