Do You Need a Divorce Lawyer in Laconia NH for a No Contest Divorce?

by | Nov 10, 2023 | Law

Many assume that a divorce lawyer in Laconia, NH, isn’t needed in an uncontested divorce and choose this route because the process is simple, it costs less, and the marriage can end with dignity and without much fanfare. Additionally, this type of divorce often reduces conflict, allowing the parties to part more amicably, which is a problem when the divorce must be litigated. With the help of mediation and arbitration, many divorcing couples find that they can complete a no-contest divorce with ease. But when is this not the case?

The first thing to remember is that both parties need to agree to an uncontested divorce, or the process won’t work. One party may try to wait it out, hoping the other party will come around to their point of view, but this doesn’t work when both parties simply want the process to end. Both parties need to agree to the divorce and be willing to sit down and work out any differences for the best results.

If one or both parties don’t understand the basics of divorce law, a no-contest divorce should be avoided, and a divorce lawyer in Laconia, NH, should be called in for both parties. The same is true if one or both parties are suffering from mental illness, addiction, or any other disorder that may interfere with their ability to make sound judgments during the divorce process. Additionally, if one party decides they wish to be greedy and not share with their partner, attorneys will need to be brought in to protect the interests of all involved, especially any children.

Domestic violence is another reason why one needs to call in an attorney during a no-contest divorce. When one party is physically, mentally, or emotionally abusive, the victim needs to have an attorney to level the playing field and ensure their rights are protected. The attorney acts as an advocate for the abused party, and a no-contest divorce usually isn’t the best option. Contact Friedman & Bresaw, PLLC, for more information on divorce and the various options available to partners to determine which is right for their particular situation.

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