If you need a quick loan but don’t want to sell something, contact them and discuss your needs. They will deal with you professionally. If you’ve never been to this pawn shop, you will find it is a fascinating place to shop. The items on the shelves are always changing. The quality is high and the prices are lower than you would expect. Whether you are interested in purchasing a rare collectible treasure or receiving Cash For Gold Los Angeles, a pawn shop may be your answer.
Pico Union Pawn Shop wants to buy your gold for cash. When you have gold jewelry you don’t want, even if it’s broken, bring it to them and get cash fast. For your convenience, they are open 24 hours a day. The pawn shop has been in business for over 40 years, serving the Los Angeles area communities of Pasadena, Beverly Hills and Glendale. They have always prided themselves on excellent customer service.
Of course, gold isn’t all they buy. They are also interested in silver, platinum, diamonds and fine designer jewelry. Flatware and precious metal scraps will also bring you cash. They are one of the finest cash for gold dealer Los Angeles.
They understand that a lot of unexpected situations can cause a need for fast cash. It might be the perfect time to sell the necklace that you inherited and have never worn or the brooch that your aunt gave you that is just not your style. You might have a silver tea service that you have used once and polished 100 times. It might be the perfect time to get rid of the ring your ex gave you.
They are also interested in a wide range of high quality merchandise. Rolex, Patek Philippe or other fine watches are always welcomed. Fine art and collectible items are purchased, as well as antiques. If you are an art enthusiast, it would be worthwhile for you to go see what’s new. These items can be purchased at a great price with complete confidence because they have verifiable provenances.
Music lovers can either buy or sell an instrument. The pawn shop has an extensive guitar collection. You will also find saxophones, trombones, trumpets and oboes. Professional or amateur photographers will find an assortment of high quality cameras and accessories. Students and their parents can examine a large selection of heavily discounted electronic items perfect for school. They have name brand laptops and smartphones as well as iPods.