Let’s face it, no one ever wants to go through a long and painful divorce, but it does happen. When you are faced with divorce, there are many issues that have to be settled by the court and alimony is probably one of the most important issues. Alimony is a monthly payment, that is paid to a spouse to help with living expenses. There are a variety of factors that determine what the actual payment amount will be, and these factors are studied by the judge to determine a fair and just amount. When it comes to Alimony in San Bernardino, there are lawyers available to help you understand the process and walk you through the journey, each step of the way.
One easy factor to determine in regards to alimony, is the length of the alimony payments. They determining factor for the length of payments is based on years or months of marriage. In general, the longer the marriage, the longer the alimony payments usually last. When determining the actual amount, the process is much more complex. It is based on factors such as the skill set of the spouse, earnings, whether a job would interfere with child care, debts and property and whether there was spousal abuse. All of these are taken into account and a just amount is awarded. Having a lawyer may help you get an amount that is fair and can assist you in your living expenses, once your spouse is no longer living in the same household.
If you are considering filing for alimony, you should first consult an attorney, that can help you understand each step of the complex process. These attorneys know that you need enough compensation to help you support yourself and your children after the marriage is dissolved. Divorce is never a pleasant experience, but with the help of an alimony attorney, you can rest assured that your best interests will always be taken into account. Once you receive your alimony award, you can begin your journey of rebuilding the life that you want and deserve.