What is a “Daughter/Son Down the Street” Companion Service?

by | Mar 4, 2014 | Healthcare

Do you have an elderly loved one that you wish you could spend more time with simply because you know how much they enjoy the interaction? When it comes to providing “care”, not every person needs it in a medical sense. In fact, many elderly patients simply want someone to talk to or spend an afternoon with. They have activities they enjoy, but often nobody to enjoy them WITH! A “Daughter/Son Down the Street” companion service will provide that interaction and can give you the peace of mind you need to know that your loved one is getting the stimulation and interaction they so desire.

Around the Town
A “Daughter/Son Down the Street” companion service can do more than just visit your loved one at home for a Saturday afternoon. By visiting local attractions together like museums, festivals and other activities they may enjoy, your loved one will live an active and exciting lifestyle. Just because you’re not able to attend these activities with them doesn’t mean they should have to miss out! Give them the opportunity to get the most out of their golden years!

Around the House
Maybe your loved one enjoys a good game of chess at the kitchen table, or some other recreational activity. Whatever the case may be, a “Daughter/Son Down the Street” companion service will be there to provide them with a caring companion to share these activities with. Just because it’s a rainy day doesn’t mean that fun can’t be had, or simple companionship is not possible! These services are ideal for any time of the year and any day of the week.

Avoiding Isolation
When an elderly person has to go without interaction, this can make them feel isolated from society. To prevent this from happening to your loved one, consider companion services. With options available in the Maryland area, there’s no reason to let your friend or family member go without the interaction that they want and deserve! Look into professional companion services in their area today and they’ll be amazed at how much companionship can be included in their weekly routine.

Capital City Nurses is an experienced and professional care service in the Washington DC area. Offering a wide range of services including daughter/son down the street, they have what it takes to provide personalized care that positively impacts patients’ lives.

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