How Your Business Can Be Green and Profitable

by | Oct 12, 2016 | Process Equipment

From small businesses to global organisations, everyone needs to be careful with every last dollar. Spending wisely is vital for any company or non-profit organisation, but also thinking green and saving on expenses is equally important. Should you be running expensive machinery in your business, then saving money by installing effective coolant recycling systems will ensure you are spending wisely, saving carefully and being green for the planet.

Can You Save Money on Your Coolant Expenses?

By organising efficient coolant recycling systems, you will not only save money by recycling your coolant, but you will reduce the cost of disposing the liquid and both areas will save money in your business.

Fluid treatment practices have been available for decades, but relentless patented and updated ideas are consistently moving industries to think green and save money.

The most effective system ensures that constant adjustments become unnecessary in your machinery. When everything becomes automatic you remove human error, robotize your operation and save money.

Separating floating oils which may be contaminated – and the solids away from your machine coolants ensures that your coolant recycling systems will be working efficiently and effectively. When your target is to remove solids, bacteria and tramp oil, which will contaminate your coolant, you will continue the effectiveness of your machinery and saving on your company’s expenses.

Applying this latest technology will help you reduce the purchase of new coolant concentrate, saving on your company’s outgoings.

Placing You in Control

By updating your coolant recycling systems, you will gain a better control of the concentration levels of your coolant. A positive by-product of this arrangement is to provide a much higher level of cleanliness to your machine tools and extending the life of your tools and the quality of the finished product.

Another advantage of using modern expertise is to ensure that you order less, for all your machinery maintenance. Together, these advantages help increase the workplace safety of your employees and visitors.

Professional companies that offer this style of equipment will be able to offer you calculations so you can compare the speed at which you will repay the cost of the machine compared to the savings made through the purchase of less coolant concentrate and disposal of waste. As they continue to provide extremely reliable systems, where downtime is extremely low, or none whatsoever, your finance department will be pleased to budget for the purchase of consumables and disposal of the same.

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