What Will a Lawyer Do for a Client During a Wrongful Death Lawsuit in Edison, NJ?

by | Jul 6, 2016 | Wrongful Death

Knowing that a loved one passed away due to the negligence or deliberate actions of another is not something that most people can live with. The instinct is to take some type of legal action. That’s where help from a lawyer will come in handy. Together, the client and the legal counsel can determine if a Wrongful Death Lawsuit Edison NJ is the best approach. Here is how the lawyer can help the client decide what to do.

Going Over the Facts

In order to have a chance of winning a Wrongful Death Lawsuit Edison NJ, it is necessary to take a good look at the facts and determine if there is enough evidence present to convince a court that the this type of claim is valid. A lawyer who deals in suits of this type can examine the information available, up to and including any criminal charges and actions that took place after the death. If there is enough there to merit filing the suit, the lawyer will know how to structure the documentation and make sure everything is filed with the court in a timely manner.

Seeking a Settlement

Depending on the circumstances, the accused party may be willing to settle the matter and avoid the expense of going to court. The lawyer handling the Wrongful Death Lawsuit Edison NJ will take the lead in protecting the interests of the client. While ultimately the client must decide whether to accept a settlement or move forward with the case, the lawyer can ensure the client understands whether the offer is really a good one, and if there is a chance of receiving a more suitable judgment from the court.

Taking the Matter to Court

If the opposing party does not wish to settle, going to court is the next logical step. To that end, the lawyer will use every legal means to introduce evidence that supports the claims of the plaintiff and ensures the court has a full understanding of what transpired. In the best case scenario, this results in a victory for the client.

If there is evidence that a loved one died because of actions taken by another party, talk with the team at Harrell Smith & Williiams LLC. Doing so will be the first step in making sure the person or entity responsible for the death is held accountable.

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