Tips for Preparing Your Elderly Loved One for Moving or Respite Care

by | Jul 24, 2015 | Senior Living

Preparing your loved one for Respite Care does not have to be difficult. There is nothing wrong with caregivers needing a break. In most cases, it’s better to take the time that you need for yourself. You can then come back feeling refreshed, instead of overwhelmed. Just remember that as one age, it is difficult to know that you are dependent on someone. Gently explain that you need a bit of time for yourself, and let them know when you’ll be back. You may have to repeat these reassurances that you’ll be back often. In most cases, it’s easier to prepare a loved one for Respit Care than it is for long term care. Telling someone they will be moving to a retirement community can be more difficult. Read on for some helpful tips.

Do your research

Choose a facility that encourages activity. Many retirement communities arrange outings and fun activities. If your loved one is able to participate in such activities, having them available can make the transition easier. Once they’ve moved in, they may very well find that they enjoy it even more than living alone.

Choose a facility that does double duty

If you’re loved one is able to take care of themselves, but just needs a bit of extra attention and care, consider a place such as the Orchard Crest Retirement Community. They offer both independent living and assisted facilities. If the time comes when your loved one needs assistance, you won’t have to look far.


Take him or her to visit the place where they will be living. The unknown can be scary. Once they see how nice it is and how friendly everyone is, it won’t be as scary. They may even come to look forward to the move.

Keep these helpful tips in mind as you search for the perfect retirement community. Do extensive research about a place. Be sure that they offer the type of care that the person is moving there needs. Also, make sure that if care needs should change, they can handle it. Finally visit, walk around, and let the prospective tenant ask any questions that he or she might have.

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